Wednesday, December 23, 2015

JESUS is the Reason for the Season

JESUS is the Reason for the Season

Christmas is the day that holds all time together

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Despite the fact that this season is supposedly the season of forgiveness and joy, simply because it is Christmas time, I cannot lie and say I feel joyful. For the second year, I do not and I will not feel joy when my Iraqi Christian brothers and sisters as well as other Christians around the world are being persecuted, displaced, and prohibited the simplest of needs–food, water, and medicine–and above all facing ongoing annihilation because of their faith and hope in the LORD.

What makes this unbelievably shocking is that Obama and his corrupted administration that intentionally ignoring Iraqi Christians’ plight, the intimidate European Parliament, the so called United Nation, the Iraqi sectarian government, the Kurdistan double-faced government, and the entire world is tongue tied, watching the ongoing ferocious GENOCIDE!!

There is no joy in my heart and I am deeply saddened, yet I wish you my brothers and sisters, your families, and loved ones a very Merry Christmas and happy new year.

In Christ,

Amer Hanna Fatuhi
Visual Artist & Historian

PS. If you would like to join my celebration in this Christmas, then all I am asking is to pray with me for the victims.

أيها الإخوة والأخوات

على الرغم من أن هذا الموسم كما هو مفترض
به أن يكون موسم غفران وفرح، لأنه ببساطة وقت عيد الميلاد المجيد. فأنني وللعام الثاني لا أستطيع أن أكذب وأقول بأنني أشعر بالبهجة، لأنني لم ولن أشعر بالبهجة فيما يتعرض العراقيون وغيرهم  في العالم من أخواتي وأخوتي في المسيح للإضطهاد، ويهجرون ويحرمون من أبسط إحتياجات الحياة، من غذاء وماء ودواء، ناهيكم عن مواجهتهم لخطر تواصل إبادتهم الجماعية، بسبب من إيمانهم ورجاءهم بالرب. الأنكى من هذا وذاك أن نرى أوباما وإدارته الفاسدة تهمل عن قصد إبادة المسيحيين، والبرلمان الأوربي المذعور والحكومة العراقية الطائفية وحكومة الإقليم المتعددة الوجوه، والعالم كله واقفاً معقود اللسان وهو ينظر إلى إستمرار هذه الإبادة الجماعية المتوحشة.

ليس هنالك فرح في قلبي وأنا أشعر بحزن عميق، ولكن أتمنى لكم إخواني وأخواتي، ولأسركم، ومحبيكم عيد ميلاد مجيد وسنة جديدة سعيدة.

في المسيح / عامر حنا فتوحي
فنان تشكيلي ومؤرخ

إنتباهة: إذا ما كنتم ترغبون في الانضمام لإحتفائي الخاص بعيد الميلاد المجيد في هذا العام، فأن كل ما أطلبه هو أن تصلوا معي من أجل هؤلاء الضحايا.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

2016 Chaldean National Calendar 7315-7316 K


Press Release

2016 Chaldean National Calendar

2016 AD / 7315-7316 K

Hayya A’mma Kaldaya

In Loving Memory of CECA’s Founder, Fr. Jacob O. Yasso
Aug. 20, 1932 - Dec. 29, 2014

MADISON HTS., Mich. – The Chaldean Educational Center of America (CECA) in Metro-Detroit and UR Multimedia LLC (based in Michigan & Texas), expect to release the 2016AD (7315-7316K) Chaldean National Calendar (CNC) on December 7, 2015 in Michigan.
The 2016 CNC was edited and designed by the professional Chaldean artist and prominent historian, Amer Hanna Fatuhi, with aid from the web solution engineer, artist and renowned designer, John Romi, as well as the telecommunications expert, Mr. Nannar Shendaj, from UR Multimedia LLC. Along with the great support of archetict Kais Jacob Ishak whose 3D creative images of ancient Mesopotamia are highly appreciated.

The high-quality 2016 CNC contains the Chaldean national events as well as valuable information about the history of the Chaldeans (the indigenous people of Iraq).
The 2016 CNC was completed with gracious support from many US institutions and Chaldean business owners in the States of Michigan and California, in particular the “Chaldean Media Center”, to whom we are sincerely grateful for their extraordinary support.

Gold Sponsor:
UR Multimedia LLC, has the honor to be the 2016 CNC Gold Sponsor.

Major / Silver Sponsors are:
Chaldean Community Foundation | Genie Medical & Health Guide | United Healthcare | Dorsey Schools | Mrs. Nazek Gappy, attorney at Law | Dr. Adeeb Zayto - Farmers Insurance | Dr. Emad Nakkash, MD | Excel Lighting & Electrical Supply Co. | CK Imported Food & Gift Shop | Ausi Carpentry & Construction | Security Mortgage Corp. | Ann Meyou, Real Living Kee Realty | Superior Buick GMC | Dr. Vaira Aljajawi, Greenfield Rehab & Nursing Center | & as always the cornerstone of our nation the US ARMY.
Bronze Sponsors:
The Untold Story of Native Iraqis (the #1 Chaldean book for more than 3 years and counting) Norman Kiminaia, TV Orient| Chaldean Nation Facebook | Salah Kulato, Middle East Radio | Sahir al Malih, Voice of Future Radio | Rafid Jabro, Challango & Jabro, CPA’s | Dr. Reem Alsabti, MD | DJ Salem Gabriel | Golden Star Tire | Sindibad Middle Eastern Cuisine | & Happy’s Pizza, (Levi) Madison Heights.

Mr. Eddie Bacall, Bacall Development (contributor).

To obtain copies of the calendar in Michigan, please contact the Chaldean Educational Center of America or UR Multimedia, located in Madison Heights:

711 W. 13 Mile Rd., (suite 200), Madison Hts., MI 48071

PO Box 171, Hazel Park, MI 48030
In Windsor, Canada, contact Dr. Sabah Yacoub, Chaldean Cultural Salon.

You can also get your copies and other publications from the Chaldean Media Center in San Diego, California:
1627 Jamacha Way El Cajon, CA 92019 USA
(619) 590 - 9028

Courtesy of