Saturday, October 3, 2020




Yuma dSahda Kaldaya

If the martyrs' blood is the seed of our nation, then our Chaldean nation is the blood vessel of the prosperous future. ~ Amer Hanna Fatuhi

In 521 B.C., the Babylonians appointed their king, Nebuchadnezzar IV, and the city rebelled. Darius' gigantic army defeated the rebel army and captured Babylon. Then the Chaldean king and his main followers were impaled inside the city.

In 482 B.C., Babylon rebelled against the Median Empire's occupation, killing the Persian ruler and defeating the Persian army. Xerxes, the king, sent an enormous army under his brother-in-law's command to capture the city at the beginning of October. The Persian army destroyed the temples and took away the idol of the Babylonian god Mardukh. Once again, over three thousand Chaldean revolutionists were impaled inside the city on or around October 6, 482 BC.

Since 2013, the day October 6, 2013, was approved by most Chaldean political parties, cultural and socials organizations, and activists worldwide. October 6 became the official Chaldean Martyr's Day.

 Chaldean Martyr's Day on October 6 is not just about honoring and remembering those who fell defending the Chaldean name throughout our long and deep history. Still, it is all about how we keep those sacrifices by our ancestors alive. It is also about keeping the Chaldean Nation and its diehard people free from terror and persecution threats.


To learn about the Chaldeans' ongoing ordeal and persecution since before Christianity until the present time visit: Amer Hanna Fatuhi, Ph. D. |

6 تشرين أول ... يوم الشهيد الكلداني

لقراءة الموضوع باللغة العربية أنظر الرابط أدناه

يوم الشهيد الكلداني - دم الشهداء الكلدان بذور الأمة الكلدانية العصية على الفناء - عامر حنا فتوحي

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